Kidney Cancer
Treatment in Malaysia

At Onco Life Centre, our team takes a personalized approach to treating kidney cancer. We focus not only on treating the disease, but also on supporting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our patients every step of the way.

Kidney cancer begins when healthy cells in 1 or both kidneys change and grow out of control, forming a mass called a renal cortical tumor.

Why Choose Onco Life Centre?

Expertise You Can Trust, Innovation You Can Count On

Over 20 Years of

 Our highly-qualified consultant oncologists boast extensive experience treating a vast array of cancers. Their training at prestigious institutions in Australia and the UK ensures exceptional expertise that you can trust.

Collaboration with
Leading Genomics Experts

For complex cases, our oncologists collaborate with leading genomics specialists in the US. This ensures access to the latest treatments for all cancer types.

patient experience

You and your healthcare experience are at the centre of what we do at Onco Life Centre. Our core values of Empathy, Dedication, Professionalism and Service Quality have driven us since our earliest days.

Treatment Methods

Our kidney cancer experts at Onco Life Centre can discuss your treatment options and recommendations based on several factors, including staging, the type, cell type, and stage of cancer, patient preferences and overall health.


Treatment for kidney cancer is most often with surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of these. Occasionally, radiation therapy and chemotherapy regimens for renal cell carcinoma are also used. Patients with kidney cancer that has spread (metastatic kidney cancer) often receive multiple lines of treatments.

Treatment By Stage

In general, stages 0, 1, 2 and 3 colorectal cancer are often curable with surgery. However, many patients with stage 3 colorectal cancer, and some with stage 2, receive chemotherapy after surgery to increase the chance of eliminating the disease. Patients with stage 2 and 3 rectal cancer will also receive radiation therapy with chemotherapy either before or after surgery.

Stage 0 colorectal cancer

The usual treatment is a polypectomy, or removal of a polyp, during a colonoscopy.


Stage 1 colorectal cancer

The usual treatment is a polypectomy, or removal of a polyp, during a colonoscopy.


Stage 2 colorectal cancer

Surgery is often the first treatment. Patients with stage 2 colorectal cancer can talk to our oncologists at Onco Life Centre about whether adjuvant chemotherapy is needed after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells. For patients with stage 2 rectal cancer, radiation therapy is usually given in combination with chemotherapy, either before or after surgery.


Stage 3 colorectal cancer

Treatment for stage 3 colon cancer usually involves surgical removal of the tumor followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. For patients with rectal cancer, radiation therapy may be used along with chemotherapy before or after surgery, along with adjuvant chemotherapy.


Metastatic (stage 4) colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer can spread to distant organs, such as the liver, lungs, the tissue called the peritoneum that lines the abdomen, or a woman’s ovaries. Our oncologists at Onco Life Centre will help you tailor your treatment plan, which may include a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. If the colorectal cancer has spread only to the liver (colorectal cancer liver metastasis) and if surgery is possible either before or after chemotherapy, there is a chance of complete cure. Even when curing the cancer is not possible, surgery may add months or even years to a person’s life. Determining who can benefit from surgery for cancer that has spread to the liver is often a complicated process that involves doctors of multiple specialties working together to plan the best treatment option. The role of immunotherapy for advanced colon cancer treatment has been promising. Using immuntherapy in patients with mismatch-repair-deficient mutations or microsatellite instability in their tumors has shown remarkable results. An immunue-checkpoint inhibitor can be used on its own, or in combination with CTLA4 inhibitor for such patients.


Transparency You Can Trust

At Onco Life Centre, we understand the financial burden associated with Kidney Cancer treatment. We are committed to transparency and will provide you with a personalized cost estimate during your initial consultation. Here is an estimate :

Targeted Therapy:

At Onco Life Centre, the cost for treating kidney cancer using targeted therapy for most of our patients is about MYR5,000 per cycle.


The cost of immunotherapy for kidney cancer can range from MYR10,000 and above depending on the specific type and dosage of immunotherapy drug used.

Types of kidney cancer

There are several types of kidney cancer:


Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma (also commonly known as renal cancer or renal cell cancer) is the most common type of adult kidney cancer, making up about 85% of diagnoses.


Transitional cell carcinoma
This is also called urothelial carcinoma. It accounts for 10% to 15% of the kidney cancers diagnosed in adults.


Sarcoma of the kidney is rare and develops from the soft tissue of the kidney or the capsule or surrounding fat.


Wilms tumor
This is most common in children and is treated differently than kidney cancer in adults.


Lymphoma is associated with enlarged lymph nodes in other parts of the body, including the neck, chest, and abdominal cavity. In rare cases, kidney lymphoma can appear as a lone tumor mass in the kidney and may include enlarged regional lymph nodes.

Types of kidney cancer cell

The most common types of kidney cancer cells are listed below:

Clear cell
About 70% of kidney cancers are made up of clear cells. Clear cells range from slow growing to fast growing. Clear cell kidney cancer is particularly responsive to immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

Papillary kidney cancer develops in 10% to 15% of patients.

Sarcomatoid features
Each of the tumor subtypes of clear cell, chromophobe, and papillary in kidney cancer can show highly disorganized features under the microscope, also described as sarcomatoid which suggest a very aggressive form of kidney cancer.

Medullary/collecting duct
This is a rare and highly aggressive cancer that is more common in black people and is highly associated with having the sickle cell trait.

Chromophobe is uncommon and may form indolent tumors.

This is a slow-growing type of kidney cancer that rarely, if ever, spreads.

Your Journey

Start Your Recovery

Our dedicated Patient Navigator will assist you with appointment scheduling. Contact us at +6012-3993260 (Call or Whatsapp ).

First Consultation

On appointment day, bring along all the medical reports and your identity documents, ie. identity card or passport. Our team will help you organize the medical reports for our oncologist to review. Our oncologist will discuss the treatment plan with you. Tele-consult is available for overseas patients.

Treatment Day

Come to our center on an agreed date and time for the treatment. Our team will take good care of you. You will be discharged on the same day. Yes, you will get to go home after every treatment visit as no overnight admission is required.

Stay on Track

Our dedicated patient navigator will be following up with you post treatment to check on your condition, to ensure that you are doing well. You will receive a reminder message on your phone for the next appointment date.

Consultant Medical Oncologist
Medical Director
MBBS (Melb) FRACP (Aus)
Monday - Friday : 08:00 AM TO 06:00 PM
Saturday : 08:00 AM TO 02:00 PM
Consultant Medical Oncologist
Wednesday : 08:00 AM TO 12:00 PM
Friday : 08:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

Credentials You Can Trust

Ministry of Health Malaysia

Onco Life Centre is fully licensed as an Oncology Consultation and Treatment Centre (License No: 931401-00214-03/2024)





Service Area

Over the years, we have had patients from these countries who have visited us for consultation or treatment:

Onco Life Centre location

Service Area

Over the years, we have had patients from these countries who have visited us for consultation or treatment:

Onco Life Centre location

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about Immunotherapy for FREE

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